Cement Shortage

This is a Low.
She says, "It's not so bad".
I say, "I know, it's bad and getting worse".
Another analog digital scam mandated by Congress to resell what they don't own, disappear those same ill gotten gains into sinkholes of the past public trust, and now for some sweet corporate rapist gravy train all aboard, but not you and you and you, whoo whoo; don't stall out on the tracks, it's not stopping...or even slowing. Money? What money? Move it along Buddy is the NYPD motto; what's yours? Senor Frog? Hello? How many hearses to carry us home? With 40% of the atmosphere gone and us still driving hard like John Henrys ghost. Hideous castes miscast into flip hop krunk novels and hovels with dirt floors, sired by a black goat with one eye and a notch cut out of one ear who vanished on birthday plus zero none. Pune is inside you and you don't need a Yogi to find it, and Love is still Free, but it had better watch its back lest they stamp a rat-a-tat vat on its ass; stay low, avoid checkpoints and green zones, and keep breathing while the breathing's good.
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