Early Monday in Ugly Orange

I meant the hideous color of my headings, not the glory of Bangkok at dawn. Today an uncommon snowstorm covered much of Portugal. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_things_named_after_Ronald_Reagan The FA-18 was attempting to land on the flight deck of the USS Ronald Reagan during a training exercise early yesterday morning about 200 kilometres south-east of Brisbane. The pilot ejected safely but the $27 million aircraft was lost. Meanwhile, bags of rubbish from the aircraft carrier have been found in the ocean off the Queensland coast.
State of the Union address: A meshing of many ideas
By David Jackson, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — Two senators solicit a report on what to do about the decline of science and technology in the USA.
You call that an opening sentence Mr. Jackson? For some reason the Beasties just came on in my head and they sang out snidely, "I was making records when you were still sucking your mothers dick." "Today(three days and four score fuckings ago) I gave a speech written by someone else, badly, and was applauded for it with glad hands, by the worst of our kind."(Err you go)
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