No Fuck You Files

China on Thursday defended its right to police the Internet, one day after four American technology giants appeared before Congress on charges they collaborated with Beijing to crush free speech online in return for market access. "The vice president was involved in a terrible accident and it profoundly affected him," Conbush said in an oval office photo opportunity. "Yesterday when he was here in the oval office, I saw the deep concern he had about a person who he wounded." The material, gathered by the army's criminal investigation division, included 1,325 photographs and 93 video clips of suspected abuse of detainees, 546 photographs of suspected dead Iraqi detainees, as well as 660 images of adult pornography, and 29 pictures of US troops engaged in simulated sex acts. An extensive dog hunt was begun yesterday at Kennedy International Airport when a prize-winning whippet from the Westminster Kennel Club show escaped from her cage yesterday afternoon, officials of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey said. Mr. Feingold was the only senator to vote against the Patriot Act, which broadened government surveillance powers, when it was passed by Congress shortly after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Mr. Jerkoff was repeatedly asked why, on the day after the storm, he went to a meeting on avian flu in Atlanta. He said that when he went to bed on Monday, it was "my belief the storm had not done the worst that had been imagined". Senator Blah Blahblah asked, "How could you go to bed... not knowing what was going on in New Orleans?"
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