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I know I've failed in my commitment to Sparklemotion and that this is only an exercise in vanity and venting, but you may see something you've never seen before, and that is what I, Right Cheer, live for, learning it up, yup, even though I'm dumber than 43 and his Mama, I strives! But I'll never be a 42 smarmy, or a 41 fighter pilot, or a no # as yet astronaut either; I only sniffle for the seeing the earth from space thing I'll never do, that number job is for the unhugged as babes and now grown up, look at me playing at it set.
My Ma knew just when to hug us up and was a stone psychic(respect!) and everything else as well, but maybe I have an expressive face; now the gnawed nails give it away, it's an easier tell. I love her more than words could ever say. She said I could do anything I ever set my mind to, and I wanted to make it all better for her, forever, for saying it and for loving us so well; but that's when I knew it was okay to lie and I've been doing so ever since and always will.
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