Miss Link

Kenny Rogers said those who aren't baked will soon be roasted, fucked sideways southpaw; toasty kisses thrown towards a turning back. Rolling into baskets off the glistening blades of bucket row; don't need two comma's but you can add dem doh...I ain't for being about giving a fuck no mo's. Like I could give a booming bass line for his faux honky tonk fantasy pimping ass, no guitar solo either, take that sheet to the mattresses; don't make me slap that camera out yo hand Papa Z. We got noises that can blow you out faster than any gun they will ever dream, and loud hurts. And don't even think about the waves that flow through us and the damaging done did, or the testing that, it happens, nobody will ever know about except for the testers; testing testing, tested. Tried and been found wanting: not my people, not my problem. Same sheet, different dementia.
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