Thirteen Thrice

Hello and Love. To my base pair. Nuts!
They only want you when you're unavailable, and when you come to them, they will slide by in cool detached derision, forgive the writing, I hope you didn't slip a retina. I don't mean what you think that meant at all, or maybe I did and I'll die on a rope made of the finest woven hemp of bad pun, lost in a sea of neverending stare into nothingness and everything; and what more can we ask for before we puff our last, all dying fast for want of acknowledgment. I see you Baby, not shaking that ass, that goes into the webbed walls for my sweet surrender into the old age I never wanted, but I do now, I want something more than my pitiful need, I want to be needed. And to be constant against the ocean of uncertainty that we can never hold back, never dam, or even stop from rising or raging; for glassy gentle waves and a warmth that doesn't burn anyone;
or does that and any of this even exist at all?
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