Dreaming Awake

Old fart is an offensive term for an old person. The origin of the term is uncertain, but might have originated from an assumption that many old people flatulate often. See also-Blue hair. Fluent was the term used by Isaac Newton to denote a continuous function. His integral of a fluxion over time was a fluent θ. A submarine chaser is a small and fast naval vessel specially intended for anti-submarine warfare. A cough is usually initiated to clear a buildup of phlegm in the trachea; air may move through this passage at up to 300 mph during a contraction. The only way across the river is over a bridge guarded by the giantess Modgud. If a living person steps on the bridge, it rings out as if a thousand men walk across it, yet the dead pass without a sound. Most of the mythology was passed down orally, and much of it has been lost. Self. What is it? Life. How did it start?
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