I Swim To Work

I'm sorry, did I say $3 dollars a gallon, I meant $5 and rising. The copper of Arizona is destined for China (cement too). I understand Sir, you were driving by on your way to work and it was a dollar less, but we can legally change the price three times a day. How the hybrids do sing now, songs of batteries and the acid fill-up of all those suv stomachs, soccer moms turned out on the corners for gas money, to afford the broods chaffeuring. These civilized false fronts, eaten out by the carpenter ants and termites of our neglect and lack of imagination, too shall fall; with only the mounds remaining for ever knowing we existed at all. Many wings rise up into the mouth's of birds, but they won't be stopped, mass + will wins; you can call it pheromones. Failure to adapt is the best way to commit suicide.
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