Biggest Crock Sin Nixon

Che Ney is served. Daddy, what's a Judiciary? I know Congress has no power (save: fronting, bickering, backbiting, writing checks on yo ass, and fundraising beginning middle and between all of that and then some [the the, meaning: end], till indictment and camp, or a well bitterly fought lost race, or a consultancy won), but I heard a rumor there was a third party in what they once called trias politica, checks and balances, a separation of powers. NP, we's scrambling for all's we got! ('s, meaning: zis) You know, like "zis right cheer." Right here, there's no telling anyone anything. Though they may slow down for a belly rub, and a gentle hello headbutt like cats, careful of the curving claws ya'll! It's my wack and I'll wiki if I want to. Hmm, this smells like one of those awkward Family Guy moments, so I'm taking me and my giggity giggity, refer happy, dash be damning, no point[in] finishing, oddly spaced self and running for the top right and X.
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