Realititty Shows

Sentence of the day. What is that b trying to say? Eminem to play a bounty hunter in new western; makes as much sense as most of academia. We say, "Academe." I think: Suck me. "In real life they're all very sweet," said Meow Mix's Keith Fernbach. "But we try to give them a personality for TV." Only eight critical flaws? Students are using a new ring tone to receive messages in class, and many old ass teachers can't even hear the ring. 17 kilohertz dude. Fight the low tone oppressors! I told you, I don't know what happened to your 2 trillion dollars. E-newspaper Mister? No thank ya. I don't trust Chuck Gibson, could give a fuck none about Katie Couric, and think Brian Williams needs tied to a post facing the eyewall of a category 5.
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