One Less The Devils Number

Also known as 6:56. It was a weird game of footy time? Or the exact number of fights and kisses I got into at bible camp; I'm not proud, it was the only one I ever got to go to, and I won all my bouts and was a greedy learner at the woolen topped bunkbed games; oh the swooning joy of the nubility, of the nubile line, or maybe I meant ah. I won't get into the mass hypnosis missionary position, go to my knees, or look meekly down as they mumble: submit, submit, submit. But you like it, and you're down with being down, and you needed, what you needed. I don't begrudge it, but I despise close talkers and shoulder grippers, hand talkers and sales eyes; and I hate to get all Cali, but I need you to respect my personal space, because I don't have a trust fund and pol's in my pocket or a gated community where the nice uniformed officer always tips his hat and whispers a silent "Sir".
Keep up the good work. thnx!
Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
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