Hi Hue Bye Contrast

They get caught cakeside
No air and no shuttle bus
Cows ofttimes stay down
I know, one word. Beaten much? My inner english teacher bar blues, shaking her heads and hitting the sauces, but the broken is better, so what do you know? Just enough to savvy, nothing, but polymath celebrity osmosis bullshit, the junk in that will remain in 4 forever, except for when you tell it in nervous convo making time, with someone you don't know that well or even, but there you both are, and this isn't an elevator or the subway, so the junk will out in twinned rising beats per minute, speculate your own, fill it fire it self suicide and groundhog day; maybe next time you'll learn to make for the tunnels or send out scouting parties for new horizons before the developments or the taloned shadow swoops; mind the poison mate.
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