Go 23 Go For Hurt Hurt

D.B. I want my DVD s back! - w4m - 23 ~ You're a thief ... of many things. My DVDs being the matter at hand. I gave you my heart and my favorite movies on LOAN!! You took everything from me and I want it all back. I know you read these stupid things ... thats how you found me to begin with. So instead of posting on my territory I'm hunting on yours! I dont know what happened or why you couldn't just call me and tell me it was over or even cowardly email me at the very least. I trusted you with my heart and my things. Please put everything in the mail or better yet show up on my doorstep when you move back up here in two weeks so I can put the pieces of my life back together and watch a good movie by myself. If I'm gonna be miserable and alone I'd really like, Braveheart back ... and Waiting AND Johnny Cash and the other 8 movies I mailed to you. What the hell. Thats like over $100 in videos ... plus the FB Tickets...you can't have my heart AND over $200 worth of my things too! GREEDY, HEARTLESS DEVIL ... can you feel my anger now? Im pissed which is good considering I'm struggling to find a way to get over you. If I have to I WILL show up on your parents doorstep to reclaim my dignity (and the movies). It's all so messed up. I dont even understand anymore. I hope you find this amusing. You're
a sick sick man. this is in or around Texas to Mass
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