Yes There Is

No sweeter lie, even written better. Truth, feign faint, palpitate, palm sweat, swinging, however you take it, is what people would prefer, if they could get it; but when they who do, do, they usually don't care for its taste. I'm leaving it for its fuckatie. Said like that, means, s'broken. The mountains don't weep for us. Mourn, or else, Turkman. Here's 100 mil and there's more where that came from, if Fatah wins of course. IAEA? No, it goes aeiou, and sometimes y. W? Mm no, said like the first half of nuts. Drink your milk now Arnold. Stafford remembered for his integrity, dedication to principle. He didn't have any, but he was stubborn about it. One storm and the whole flying world quakes. Sure, I'll call Master Bono, Sir, Sir Somebodystuffadickinthatguysmouthalreadysheesh. You think he really cares? He's the only one I know with a bigger god complex than all the doctors I've ever met, et fucking al., you know the types; like me and crazy! I just wish I didn't come off so negative. Ahfuck that!
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