Look Out Look Out

Place of rabbits. Respect the mere tropical storm. We ain't got no rope; we ain't got nothing. Minnesotas bad August bookends; third act? Wisconsin's east of, the going my way was too. Yessir, yadas, Erin gone bye, and maybe the TX/OK storms, and the two above weren't even related, but they affected each other; how do you say it in wind? Bash to urge patience as he shoots ping pong balls out of his ass for the delighted, highly vetted (haha) assembled vets; and while I'm committing treason, to them, free speech, to was: You never got into, or got out of, Vietnam, so keep its name, out of your mouth. Which does beat a speech to Congross, they're so polluted on big pharmacompia their eyes always seem to be swimming like summer hot mirage road. And the Robes sit in highchairs, bellowing for apple sauce and no carrots, fit, and now, napping off to the buzz from warm, freshly printed decisions, written by interns; wiped too.
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