Chesapeake Energy Sucks Cock

Spot price bullshit, we get our power from coal and always have and to cede you the power of eminent domain is beyond all pale; that is, it's fucked up; means pols, and tired old actors, talking out of more sides of their faces than Heath Ledgers Joker: in theaters now, run bitches; wait, it's a recession, give us burgers and netflix and moms comfortable apple pie pussy; what will the 1k a night and 9k a night whores and hotels do? Mon dieu. Yes I did, bad wiring, burnt wiring more like just ask my brothers my wife my one last friend the guy I met on the plane who I struck up a conversation with because I felt sorry for the Mexican lady he was bending the fuck out of the ear of as she nodded along painfully, loneliness kills, and why do I feel I can save anyone when I can't even save, say or even fucking find, myself? How's that for a run-on? Does that have a dash; probably; its because they write for money and tow the line that runs through the rings in our noses, and that we love and we hate, and that we hate and we love, we'd crush 'em for free fuck 'em; its all lies and made up and paid for anyway and all of it really matters and the exact opposite because it all rolls on and on like a Dyson ball, and how in the fuck can we patent the globe and make it pay huh? Now this may have travelled somewhat(and somewhere nowhere) but the sentiment remains; and the not give a fuck on your face(and in the mirror).
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