What part of my daily suicide pondering regimen, did you not quite understand? It's my own fault, never give a sucker an even break, especially your damn self. I ain't It, never was or will be, but for maybe in your dreams self-directed in your night. Be like all the rest, brush your hands like you don't mind and turn it into fairy dust of not caring, like we all do so, so damn well; then breathe, now you are inoculated, but your child saw the whole thing and learned lots too, like they do, while you was/are/were going "Shit! What is up with this/that/the other, thing/thang/ and things?". I promise only that I'll repeat myself often, and reprise everything twice, then I can die clean, and no body or baby can stop me. Lmg. No Police! Just get me to an Editor.
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