From the smallest state Rhode Island, red tide tidings, roosters for my tourists in Key West, mind the spurs, to the largest contiguous mess you ever sat in on, or rode road through a night and day through, Texas Republic of insanity, the people Killer Bees, you get cleaned up by the Red Ants they call fire, and get disbursed in small increments underground along with the stinger evidence, then carried along subterraneanly to where this post # came from in our con conscious, Cali Californicus, where they not of The OC shout out "on a motherfuckin' cop", fear the third strike and live behind steel doors and barred windows, just like they do in Washington D.C., the District of Columbia is what it stands for, no taxation without representation my ass, they get away with things there you would rot in the hells of Guantanamo for forever for, and then vote themselves a raise, and a better retirement package, and go on motherfucking Meet the Press, or whatever, and lie right in your face as they shell game us while they trade the dream for beads, and not one damn island left for me or you to break out and cry on, without the sound of jackhammers and the eminent domain creeping into every last golden glade. Are the colors green and brown our mortal enemies? Bark once for yes, vomit twice for no.
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