Channel Changers

Whence it was heard to come out of my mouth from deepest diaphragm, with furious volume and righteous indignation, "Yo(ur) Mama watches Ice Dancing." Yeah, I said it; I saw her, all curled up on the couch with bon-bons, her cute print pajamas on with a caftan over her feet, shivering at the thought of the co(o)ld outside and her lack of double panes; winter tile, grrr to the brrr. Now on to you, sad sack SAD MF'S with the remote but no piece of mind, is it cold inside there, where your thoughts used to abide? Did you ever? Now Showing: Lobotomize! Re to the re, run all ye may, bounce and be gone to carry it with you invisibly, still, got your back, bac(k); always and forever, Gods Bless You; and a shout-out to my mainline mainman mainly homo sapiens, Bill Withers, my homeboy Hominidae; this has been another excuse to semi-colon.
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