Three Franks and No Sense

I Love Frank Capra's propaganda, Frank Baum's book, and Frank Black's music. The Lords of the militaryindustrialcongressional complex, reign supreme, oil the back backer and greek chorus; and you know this is all a tragedy. Can the camera world save us from ourselves? I doubt it, crevices always remain in the source code, and the weeds will out. Meaning we, are the coldest continent; Ant Artic uh, just the worlds last ice cubes. Too Late for Green Land; everything will change now, as you learn the truest definition of "fucking yourself." All for a little, all for naught, all in, as always. Say what? That's on a need to know basis, Sir. 0-1 K a scene is the price for stardom paid, in sweat showing what god only saw before; but it was always there, how do you think we got here? Sex is our great eek, moreso than tribe or creed or sect; we use it to sell everything, but can't talk about it openly, honestly, bizarro.
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