Halved Sixes

Becca says so. What you talkin' 'bout Mommy? And you Money? What're you talking about? See how they bounce. Specific, and detailed, got it. But that is no fun, and I like fun, I like it a lot. My Mommy says I don't have to: grow up. Oh I tire of me, fill in your own or go fly a kite, you know the stir crazy has got you now, blown on past oblivion on getting gusted out of hand, power lines ahead. Trips, I need trips, getaways, a wocka wocka soundtrack, me and the girl and the girls and boys and all the pets our imaginations can accommodate and the geography can agree with. It doesn't sound so crazy. But the dreams never do. Only the future is fucked up, the now is on. And the past was pretty bloody too. Many Hugs & Kisses Lots!
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