Mar 22, 2006

Or Crazy (x 300)

Good or Bad, Angelic or Evil? Crenellated of teeth like a monsters? Etch A Sketches made of flesh shaken out in a single rasping breath; or whatever fraction thereof it takes to shaky shaky. Shale, shall be thy name, layered in longitude, lengthwise to the line. Dice theory, loading up palms for not alms but kisses of tastes strawberry. Loading time remaining, bad disc beats bad disks and popouts of no comeback was just playing now scarred for lives. It doesn't stop. Birthing always, in multiplied berths, class cosmic. Stepping on, stepping off, third rails and stone, "they just jumped", but most just get on and get off over and over again, until they can't get up anymore. The warm radiance of spring is no less melancholy than the cooling fall.
Also? I learned it with two L's, and so it shall be evermore, because we know from walls (full of hard wires). Teeth and teething too, suckling always. Teat teat. Move. Get out the way. Get out the way.


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