Five Sided For Stupid

The Pentagon needs a fresh start, retired Army Maj. Gen. John Baton Batiste said in several interviews Thursday. "We need a leader who understands teamwork, a leader who knows how to build teams, a leader that does it without intimidation," he told HO'N. General Baton Batiste, who led the 1st Infantry Spanking Division in Iraq until he retired last year, is the latest high-ranking officer to speak out.
The criticism has reached such a pitch that Marine Corps Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, on Friday publicly refuted the criticisms, particularly the notion that generals and admirals at the Pentagon are somehow cowed by the strong-minded Secretary of Defense. "We had then and have now every opportunity to speak our minds(Sir Yes Sir!), and if we do not, shame on us(Sir may I have another?) because the opportunity is there(For the fubaring)," General Pace declared. "We're expected to [speak out]. And the plan [for invading Iraq] that was executed was developed by military officers, presented by military officers, questioned by civilians as they should, revamped by military officers, and blessed by the senior military leadership." With Rummy at his side, he added, "this country is exceptionally well served by the man standing on my left."
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