Stranger Than Night

A lawyer for a schizophrenic Arizona man told the Supreme Court Wednesday that his client did not "knowingly and intentionally" murder a policeman six years ago because he thought he was killing a space alien who had invaded his hometown. Eric Clark was prevented from telling his side of the story and defending himself in court, attorney David Goldberg argued, because Arizona law barred him from presenting any evidence on his mental condition as a defense to first-degree murder charges. "That's unconstitutional," he said.
An unflattering British tabloid photo of Chancellor Angela Merkel on vacation has set off an indignant response in Germany, where politicians' private lives are largely off limits. The picture billed as a shot of the 51-year-old pulling on her underwear after a swim during her Easter trip to Italy appeared in an edition of The Stun. Germany's Bilge newspaper reprinted the page with part of the offending photo blanked out under the headline "The English Mock Our Chancellor."
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