You Dirty Rats See Si

Consumer pigs, wee wee we. Can't horde gas for burning it up so flat-out, or electricity because it can't be stored (why not?) now roll the black and brownouts from too many ac/tv's, neglected infrastructure, bad/no planning. Build or Die! Out, away from. To what? And when it's all truly spoiled, if it isn't already, where and what the oink will you develop then? I hate all my hates, it lessens only me, and the truth that you seek is: being good for no reason, but for yourself knowing; and all the reward or punishment you'll ever need, is just that. I used to say, 'I always felt bad whether I won the fight or not' (heathen youth), and my friend Bill said, "Funny, I always felt worse when I got my ass kicked", and I re-remembered my mantra: Don't Speak.
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