A Posse Ad Esse

From being able to being. From possibility to being, or from being possible to being actual. Whoa Latin, you're killing me, but I know from: A tergo, from behind, used in medical jargon as a replacement term for sodomy. Jargon? No, it was a hard one, in my ass. I'll space it how I please! If you would but kill this rhyming part of my brain(such as it is/was), most assuredly I would never write again. Wait, this sounds like a come-on for a lobotomy fund, so make with the crazy! Hello, how are you? So, what's your closest Superfund site? If you live in Washington, DC your first question on meeting must be: So, what do you do? Not that they do anything, but oh how they love their titles, and bows. Somebody please go and scrape up Cupid,
and find me the Mary Janes.
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