Dasani Is So Poisoned

Lawmakers (Cons) vowed to investigate revelations that a US spy agency (Nsa) was tracking the phone records of tens of millions of Americans (Vics) as President George W Bush (Ugh) insisted that privacy rights were not under threat. Believe that. I've already seen the shallow grave and scattered remains. Animals not only help with the forensic studies, they also dig them up sometimes; and would you please leave those pigs alone? Really, what a life for cows and the ones they call swine; but what do we know from silk purses and black calling. Orwell did them a disservice by comparing them to us, when they are guides for how to live and go on doing it, and we put the bib on them, ha; they have far more to teach us, but we gave up listening for a neverending series of my turn to talk. And stomp. Like I'd do to every baby shaker everywhere I could get a size 11 army boot into until lightly pureed. Sorry, but sometimes it just goes from A Clockwork Orange and into Posh Nosh and there isn't a thing Dwight Schrutes Bobblehead or a truffling pig can do to stop me! You care. Nat not for Cole but naturally. Papillon dies, butterflies migrate away.
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