The Flat Taxes

Travis Williams was bitten by a baby rattlesnake, even after a companion had warned him to avoid it. Said Williams, "Even though she told me not to ... I picked it up anyway. I'm not too bright that way." Michael Morris was hospitalized with a broken leg and broken arm after being run into by a friend driving an Acura at about 25 mph, but it was consensual. The friend described Morris as an adrenaline junkie who had had the friend run over him before, but Morris told the Times, "I won't do this no more." Arizona goober and gubernatorial candidate Mike Harris donated $100,000 of his own money to his campaign in April, six months after successfully begging a judge to cut his $2000-per-month child-support payments in half (and conceding that he had not disclosed that he owed his ex-wife $44,000 more from a property sale). Harris said even paying $1000 a month was "pretty darn generous" of him. To a fault line, now jump.
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.
I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!
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