So...What Do You Do?

Prisoners wielding improvised weapons attacked military guards trying to save a detainee pretending to commit suicide at the US prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, the base commander said Friday. US guards were lured Thursday evening into a dorm-like room at a minimum-security wing of the detention center by a detainee pretending to prepare to hang himself, said Navy Rear Adm. Harry B. Harris Jr. (Harry B. Harris and a Junior? That's so Joseph Heller.) The guards sought to save the detainee but were pounced on by about 10 others wielding broken light fixtures, fan blades and pieces of metal. To trip up the guards, detainees "slickened" the floor with a combination of feces, urine, and soapy water. As guards and detainees engaged in hand-to-hand fighting, nearly 100 US military personnel responded to an all-hands call for help in case a larger riot broke out, Harris said during a news conference. The detainees were eventually subdued, and six were treated for “minor injuries,” he said, adding no guards were hurt.
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