A Long Line Of Niches

That isn't a blade, it's a serrated shin. Italy you've just won the world cup, what are you going to do now? We're going to Lebanon! Some say so last week, and some they never heard, never will. Rocks are more or less impervious, but they have nothing on us, the hardest softest things ever. Trying to kill the god of the dead and ruler of the underworld hmm? They've got to pass my way eventually, and I bet you a saving oar, they say my name. Oh My God! Are you really him? They'll never believe me back home. Hello fake patriots, thank you for the checks, now get your little macaca asses out there and vote the straight elephant ticket. What's that mean to you? Federal state and local: More shady, hidden taxes, and more trollroad gridlock. Services? That was last friday mister, you missed it, but I can give you directions to the plot. Next shuttle flight devoted to destruction. This is gonna be, so much fun. I'll squeeze either, on stopping short, at the stoplight of your choice. But I'm coming for your ass.
Tell Hades, to get out the PatrĂ³n and the lube.
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