He He Can't Add For Subtracting

Tripped up by cryptocarryon, freshwater dependent with white spots, marine ick. If you get the reference and spot the typo, well, you're probably a fish news freak, make that fishwrap, make it a message. Flybys with flowers for your co-opted identities. Insurance none. But they insist. She said "I don't know what it means" and I thought "Then you've achieved Nirvana ... if that's the right verb, for that kind of, thing." Those 2 missing commas, ok 5 then, are an enemy to banter and the way people really speak, as if words could compare. Its like animated faces, not quite there yet. We're made of tells and flashing eyes, body languages voluminous, 4 letter words and pulses. I heard the honking of the early goose; bad winter behind a beautiful moon.
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