Spinach Kills

Funhouse? Are you referring to TV or this here happy happy joy joy luck club? Or your own mind, he mumbled. No need to hack, we'll cut them down with microwaves. Its good enough for us, isn't it? If you are "totally lost...but that's not really new" then welcome welcome,
as a new member we grant you eternal smugness, and this first personal miracle as a token: You aren't lost, you just aren't there yet. I know it's hard to believe here in this madding lonely, and that my babbling won't change a thing or give any kind of sanctuary, but hold yourself close and stay. Walkabout, until you find the one that you can't escape from and don't want to, then you'll know you're really home. And you can lay your head back and down, and sleep peacefully through the roars of kids needing naps. With a baby asleep on your chest matching your breathing. Or is it you, matching theirs?
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