Someones Lost Anonymous Dog

Winter (in the city)
Is candle wax my scarlet A
Was my ass always clocked and smacked for pay
Do they ever wonder where a slave comes from
Where she learned to crave abuse
We’re always in the mood around here
They take me
They take me
For a standard tip
Relegated down to the slope of my hip
My dope behind, a bag of clips
A certain second of two whips
The first remaining in your grip
The next obtained to speed my slip
From Angel Thighs to Satan Clit
Predictable, I must admit
Tickle to slap one
You’re fickle, we’re ghoulish, we’re scum
We only believe in the one
Who’s foolish and worse when you’re done
Will curse us for finding it fun
They stroll in they stride in
Out from the office
Prouder than a peacock
Dumber than a rock
Burdened with their little laundry lists
A sultry blonde a tasty dish
Indulgence they deserve – they wish!
To pass palm
Sweaty palm
Sticky tights
In dungeon cells
And go back to the white collar
By the time they climb commercial flights
Down in the dearth of entitled frats
They’ve fondled the tails of society brats
Who marry the blue blood cuff link cats
And double down and belly up
In bank accounts I’ll never see
We stupid, we ignorant kykes
We never can follow the light
And worse when we do we just might
Not be always in the mood around here
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