Predominantly Probably Shit

Hey, how goes the Greater Middle Eastern Co-Prosperity Scheme? One more number than the other, must mean it got its bell. Nope, they just love numbers that don't mean a damn, loudly inescapably (I e if I want). That was just wrong, or made up, pretending here; cant you take a joke? Speaking of just just joke just fuck off. It's okay, I can say it for you. See how they stare. Sully travelled. They could so bring back Preston Sturges and William Demarest and John Ford and Barbara Stanwyck and Sam Peckinpah and Victor McLaglen with Frank Capra and they still couldn't sell 'ismess; and hell yes Ward Bond, who incidentally was also killed by Dallas, TX (heart attack), but I have yet to hear any conspiracy theories about it. As if we died there, ha ha, stillborn, with a slavery stake through its heart. Native genocide, check. What you got? You want next? And still it splays, spreads.
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