I'm Taking The Surfaces

Welcome back to tarantula town. Eight escape routes, less the air, steel wheels. The moratorium on tolls will begin: Never. Not when a pol can get paid short to sell us out longtime. Pay up, pay up, pay up, some rapper once said, and however you say it, same damn flow; and deregulation, is another way of saying: No no. Ugh yes, with no lube. Private equity? Mostly privation, 99.9% or so. We'll be all green now, we promise! All new! Except we're still going to have to charge you double the Austin rate, pink granite handshake dont'cha know. The no recourse sit on it and gyrate? Kebab I do. All we get are junk bonds, written in spit by slit-eyed forked tongues sewn tightly together with invisible dental floss in dim masonic homes.
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