Suck It Connecticut Tuesday

Where from you? U tell me. Lost in space held down by the rocks inside by head, no wait that's gravity, the weakest strongest force you ever jumped up on a trampoline and up against. Now reach for the sky again fucker. Did you say fused vertebra? No, um actually was, compacted, accidental snowboarders. Ta, too much of that Bristol noise/pils and now for another promo commercial: quick cut to another cock; you know what to do! Die inside from self stew à la fear, boil, reborn, to the tilting windwills of day! And fate, which you don't believe in; knock on wood, my head, makes a handy substitute. Night is waiting, you believe what you want, and but hey, stay alert for what would feed on you and your'n, you hear now. Three dogs, one cat and one eye open at all times people, the bars over the windows fire regimen lecture is at 7:00pm sharp. Thank you.
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