My Favorite Findings-ish

Fickle fickle fickle, no. Best to not, but ta; when you're both sideways there is no akimbo. But I need rehab. Don't you ken how scary it is, you're just going to see Britney snooch or Chertoff vampire face again or worse and there's nothing you can do to avoid it; I like mine without too much pulp and freshly squeezed, your OJ moment, my most unmeant apology. Pretty sure that ain't a word Meat. He's, wrong. Porn free, freer than the, cough. Back to your cell. Silence, and no excuses. But I have so many. We can't say it, but I smell magnets close to all of yours too. If you're so dumb how come you always see through me? And how do you know where to hug when I'm invisible, or is it just almost? I only regret the non-joy lacrimations, made by me, except for the ones I smiled about through my back; Adam was just the first bastard, and an apple is just an apple.
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