Someday this will all make sense...

...keep dreaming Donnie, keep dreaming.
You are everything to them, or nothing, and either way you will never really know.
But some you will, it shines through, and then, how kind can you return kind, or how cruel can you go? I want to be good enough! To earn it every day. To be bond and bail for someone, and them for me(you know what I mean, you evil logic monkey; you want sense, read Jane Austen, but don't bore me with talk of it after please, thank you).
She was (re)born on the bayou(s), and getchy getchy boy crazy from go, but I can't talk, because we're all on the ride imperative, it's built into each and every deck. Long brown sinuous water, poisoned now, but what a wilderness once. Hack through that! You talkative despoilers of all, yak yak yak and yet we suffer still, stuck here in the mud of these middle ages of our evolution, as our technologies race on in front of us, and we burn dung for light where there is none.
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