Are you grown, or just old?

I thought you were, my intuition is so totally out of balance that I know its time to give it up. I just want to know one thing, why is a 40 year old man still playing games. Is it the need to feel as though you still have what it takes, because if that’s the case then consider yourself a failure. Real men don’t feel the need to prove themselves. What I cant understand is how I could be as direct with you as I was, when I told you I wasn’t looking for stupid **** , and your response was that you weren’t either. You said you wanted serious...OK...I was serious...but I told you, I’m not chasing anyone. If you weren’t interested, all you had to do was say so. We agreed on that. Not necessary at all to hide in the shadows and see how long it would take before I gave up. If you’re looking for something better, no hard feelings, I never claimed to be perfect, but I did ask for honesty and you said you could provide that. Enlighten me here, because for the life of me I cant understand why anyone would get involved in a situation they’re not interested in pursuing, when all they had to do was say the word and I would have left it alone. Guess all I need to say is “Be a man”, grow’re not in high school anymore. I’m out....your loss....recover soon so you can get out there and play someone new!
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