My Black And Blue Flag

So, I thought it was the W police that slagged my skiznit, but then I noticed this site was owned by "All Will Bow And Hail" Googleocity; and I don't think they liked my post saying that they were trading too high for sense. What with them being the latest AOLish admoney wallstreet boom babies, and also trying to be Microsoftunk with a G this G that G the other for every little thing and enter intertwined all up in your skit, what the Helios could I think? I'm sorry you can't take a joke. I'm sorry there was never a third season of Chappelle's Show. I'm sorry your wife left you with the dog and stole y'alls accounts before you could. I'm sorry for the traffic you zone out on and the piles from and the creaking that speaks for you now. I'm not sorry for a damn thing, except for all my I'ms and I's, and the distance between us all.
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