Raster Rasta

Rastrum tatas. Back again in the abyss so soon? We're very glad to see you, as always. Falling by not half on a diet of couch and cathode ray, and not even the fullness to stop our wondering, wandering hearts, nay minds, in laps that never quite make the homestretch or even the turn for it; the furlongs, be glad enough for them, and the greens and blues. In a gnats eye. An idiomatic "unit" of distance; it's common to hear that something is "as small as a gnat's eye." In fact, the eyes of typical gnats tend to have diameters similar in size to a hair's breadth: roughly 100-150 micrometers (0.10-0.15 millimeters). Now is the time when we breakdance. Sacha Not Barren Cohen and Patrick Buchanan are my favorite couple. Linkit!
a ground of land in south India
the British unit of alcohol
small angles measured in mgons
measuring sand grains in phi units
Strong-Cobb units for tablet hardness
land area by the tarefa in Brazil
large and small: n-plex and n-minex
land area in Iraq: the olk and the dunum
the use of mc- instead of ยต- for micro-
land by the soendre in Bhutan
more on the origin of the ell
revised Torino Impact Hazard Scale
the talangwah, a Thai unit of area
the ancient Hebrew hin
the Dominican Republic's caballeria
ancient Greek pous, daktylos, plethron, and stadion
shoe sizes in mondo points and Paris points
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