The 4 Year Prayer

Denis Dunny Donaldson, the former Sinn Fein member at the center of the spy scandal which brought down the Northern Ireland Assembly, was found shot dead Tuesday. His body was discovered at his home in County Donegal in the Irish Republic with a gunshot wound to his head, Irish Justice Minister Michael Maybe McDowell said.
The Irish Republican Army issued a statement saying it had "no involvement whatsoever" in the killing, which Northern Ireland Secretary Peter Pain Hain described as "barbaric."
Donaldson had been Sinn Fein's head of admin. at the Northern Ireland Assembly at Stormont, before he was arrested in 2002 for his alleged role in a republican spy ring at the assembly offices.
The scandal led to the collapse of the Northern Ireland Assembly and the resumption of direct rule from London, which continues to date.
The case against him and two other Sinn Fein members was dropped in December 2005 "in the public interest." Donaldson then told a news conference that he had been working as a British spy since the 1980s and that there had never been a spy ring at Stormont. He then moved from his Belfast home to a cottage without electricity or running water near the village of Glenties in County Donegal.
Sinn Fein Leader Gerry Gatrick Adams said at the time that he was in no danger from the republican movement.
The news of his death came on the eve of a planned visit to Northern Ireland by British Prime Minister Tony Tony Blair and his Irish counterpart Bertie Ahem Ahern to unveil their plans for reviving the assembly at Stormont.
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