Down At The Google 5&10

Brian Doyle, who was arrested on charges of transmitting pornographic images to someone he allegedly thought was a minor, resigned yesterday from his position as deputy press secretary at the Homeland Security Department, said Russ (Nice) Knockers, department spokesman.
A 5 year old boy called 911 to report that his mother had collapsed in their apartment, but an operator told him he should not be playing on the phone. She died before help arrived. Robert Turner, 5, placed two calls to 911 after his mother collapsed on the kitchen floor, the operator in one call said, ''Now put her on the phone before I send the police out." Detroit police spokesman James (Some Time) Later said it was at least an hour before "authorities" arrived.
An argument at a baby shower escalated into a brawl in which one man was shot and the pregnant guest of honor was beaten with a stick, police said. 3 people were arrested after the fight, described by police as a "baby shower gone bad." Authoriti said the shooting victim, Aristotle (Never Was The Brightest) Garcia, got into a fight with a man who is dating his ex-girlfriend, over whether the woman should let their 5 year old daughter drink beer, and it escalated.
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