Osama Bin Lagging

Misogyny? Is that like the soup? Once more unto the breach. Women are the stronger gender, as proof, see every relationship, ever. I'm not saying that all of them are good, and all of us are bad, just that on average. Crazy is our most abundant fertilizer, all the water's run with it now, and it grows faster than any fish or algae, save for the invasives. "Look it, look it, there's no magic wand," insisted Hastert, when asked when his proposals would bring down the $3 a gallon price at the pumps. Threaten the taxpayer subsidies of ExxonMobil and Chevron? The judge in the sentencing trial of al Qaeda conspirator Mad Zacarias Moussaoui reminded jurors Friday to avoid looking up words in the dictionary after learning a juror went on the Internet to find out what "aggravating" means. Worst Presidente Wurst Ever.
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