D Shoutout

Cat creep, must be night, glowing eyes blink once for yes. I just said the name E Hawksworth as a representation, one sliver in the basket of our interwoven flickering fantasies, be they real, or imagined; ass long as you admit we all have them. It was about a broken sentence. I meant how we lightning, doppelganger by another mother, lockeyes and die, and then live it out, dead person walking here hello. I won't take from you, imagination, our best Houdini. This one, like all the rest is dedicated to all of the dying books lying out on the sidewalks of the five boroughs. I like Heigl's odd teeth and glow. Weird?Check. I like E's smile and ambitious exuberance, but I know the hits are for the four letters, starts in t, ends in s. I know. No bet. Yes I said ass.
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