Swaying Lubbers

And they say, "Show us your!" Is zis capitalized? Are you sure? I say: the Monarchs' make me melancholy, coming and bye-bye. Why do I even bother ending the sentences at broken all/I'm tired of all this punctuating, drop the g; they used to puncture the cans, then they had a pull tab, more experimental more better, drop re. Dropkick, what's that? Lots of people say worse than you. Only because I can't be bothered (again with the bother?) slagging the unslaggable, might as well believe in a politician. Daddy, is that really you? I think I'd like to believe (that again?) in "A God", because if we're "Nature", then I have to hate that too and it's such a pretty fucking day; how it all thrives in spite of us, amazes, and I know we made up the word glory, but it, is it; we are too, I guess, admitted only in a sigh.
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