Got To See Some People

What do I have this for, if not to say hi and still get to avoid them? No Fair Park, no game or fair, just a bit closer to being shut-in; a pretty color of bottle I don't drink from but it looks lovely in the backlight; another country lost in, never heard from anymore. Rectangled monks cap with a mystery L on the arm like a tat, guess it means I make fifty, now you pick one. Two? No way. Did you ever get out of the shower, and even though it's cold, you sweat like you are guilty of something? I'm racking my brain but I'll be damned if I can remember anything I've done so terrible, or even semi terrible. No blackouts or screaming fits or hitting out of anger, check check and check. So why? Oh yeah, pussy, the cavemen didn't even make fifty. Maybe I can have a chat with the geico rep not the gecko, we can dialog it, dial it in, make it all better; in fifteen years or less.
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