Goodbye Dubai Hello W Enceladus

No, it didn't mean anything, the best (and worst) never does, but hits your spots just the same; a taste of pain that matches your lyric(al) beat. Beats best berry bobo betty bobbling baba in dark spaces, stay away from the drains please, there's suction in your head, vacuums pulling to our pushing (its). Latin, empty space, from neuter of vacuus, empty, from vacre, to be empty.
A space in which the pressure is significantly lower than atmospheric pressure.
A state of emptiness; a void.
A state of being sealed off from external or environmental influences; isolation.
I just meant like, junk in and junk out natch, but careful you don't lose some necessary keys to laters, as the gutters sing with the chaff of your life in the living of it, through storms good and bad and gravity, us just flying by, oblivious in orbit around the sun at 29,800 meters a second. 86, 400 seconds a day. 86.4 kiloseconds. Forever. Where did it go? Kinda time.
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