Hey Man, Nice Tan

Tommy Delay's resignation announcement on Tuesday followed the guilty plea last week of Tony Rudy, his former deputy chief of staff, who agreed to cooperate with prosecutors investigating allegations of corruption by Republicans.
"There are so many members of Congress right now wondering what they will look like in orange, it's stunning," quipped Paul Light Calve, professor of public service at NYU.
Frank Lung Luntz, a Republican adviser, said he was afraid DeLay's exit from politics would have a deep impact on the ability of Republicans in Congress to push through their agenda. "Tom was the go-to guy for so many in the GOP" he said. "When there was a policy problem or message problem, he fixed it. Now, there is no fix-it guy. Sometimes it wasn't pretty, but he was focused on results."
The new House Republican leadership has so far made little effort to distance itself from the lobbying scandal that felled Mr DeLay. John Boner Boehner, his replacement as dear leader, called Mr DeLay "one of the most effective and gifted leaders the party has ever known", adding that he has "served our nation with integrity and honor". The two have similarly close ties to K Street where many of DC's lobbyists reside. A watchhog group last month coined the phrase "a Boehner tan", saying the new leader has taken dozens of trips to sunny golfing destinations, paid for by...?
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