Super Apology

Cantonese prefer that sui fresh, ness if you must, know food is heaven, and hell is a knot. The vast expanse is shrunken now, the waters the color of toxic heavy metals; yes that is a color, its like a tannic gray-black. Some things you have to see, but you'd turn away, back into the arms of phrenia and belief. Well, anything for a hug.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Wow. Ok. So it hasn’t been Blogger’s weekend. Blogger was down for a little over three hours this evening, due to the near-simultaneous failure of a critical component and its backup. This outage also impacted the loading of many Blog*Spot blogs, which rely on Blogger for a CSS file.We apologize profusely for this outage. Blogger should be working as normal now. The new version of Blogger in beta was not affected.
Posted by Pete
Friday, October 20, 2006
We’ve been having a bit of slowness this morning. Technicians are on the scene. Update, 11:15: Most of the problems are resolved. Thanks for sticking with us through the maintenance. Blogger will be running a bit slower than normal for a short time (possibly for the rest of today) as we have a handful of servers out of commission. If you see any error pages, please just wait a sec and try again.
Posted by Pete
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Apologies to everyone affected by tonight's Blogger slowness. And super apologies that said slowness prevented us from updating this page in a timely manner.
Posted by Pete
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